Published my first book, which is about my journey exploring the world, conversations around the world and thoughts exchanged on different life values. The book reached the bestselling category in two of the biggest bookstores in Taiwan during January 2021 and was reprinted three times in three months.
2023.5 秀峰高中分享
新北市花城影展、青銀影像工作坊Garden Film Festival
Role: Campaign Planning
Year: 2019
Facebook: 山芽工作室
學生的創作將花蟲季期間「花城影展」盛大首映,讓學生完整走一遍「影視創作」的歷程,更更讓全社區居民在成果展凝聚同樂。花城是故事的寶礦也是我們生長二十年的家,我們願用自身專業「返 鄉」,創作故事、更更凝聚彼此。
-Mentoring 13 short film projects
-Coordinating film festival for around 200 audience
Role: Producer /Editor
Year: 2014- 2016
Facebook: blancor
Blancor 工作室成立於 2014 年,致力用影像來說設計的故事。成員來自不同背景與專業的六個年輕人:傳播、廣告、工業設計、建築等,有著同樣對設計充滿好奇的心。透過不斷的對話,描繪出對設計的共同想像。
2016 赴義大利拍攝製作紀錄片《共設時代 It takes two》,試圖探討台灣設計產業。紀錄片訪問義大利設計要角GiulioCappellini、 Rossana Orlandi、Cristina Morozzi,涵蓋設計師的作品理念、生活哲學到產品製造、銷售流程。回台後與花蓮石材暨資源產業研究發展 促成了首次的「研石造物——花蓮國際大理石設 計工作坊」。
「研石造物」從探索台灣石材與加工技術開始,融入設計師思考與行動打造全 新的產品設計,直到 2018 年仍持 這樣的熱情不斷延伸拓展,從獨立設計師到家居品牌,尋找在地石材與生活美學的交會點。
我擔任製片與社群編輯,blancor網站、部落格與臉書 粉絲專頁的編輯,負責撰寫所有採訪文章,並帶著紀錄片在台灣超過七個縣市舉辦 15 場放映座談。擔任活動策劃、 活動執行、工作坊期間所有的文字紀錄與社群編輯。2016年工作坊成果入圍台灣設計師週 3X3 Design Show, 擔任展覽導覽。
Co-found Blancor Studio with five other members, and produced documentary “It takes two”, which interviewed different industries, including design, manufacture, and marketing in Italy.
《It takes two》is a documentary which reveals the mutually beneficial design industry in Italy. The interviewees range from brand directors to young talents, including Giulio Cappellini, Rossana Orlandi, Cristina Morozzi and Paolo Ulian, etc. From the perspectives of designing, manufacturing, marketing and branding, the documentary depicts the ideal model of cooperation and the core value of design, which is inseparable from the coherent culture, the environment and our lives.
As a producer, I managed and planned schedules for a film crew to conduct a 40-day shoot in Italy, conducted content marketing, managed Facebook Fan page and created contents and media kit. Launched premiere and organized workshops. Our stories appeared in Tier 1 : Design media: Shopping Design, Design Magazine.
Lo Studio della Pietra, International Workshop on Hualien Marble, was organized by blancor Studio. We invited designers to come to Hualien to work with Stone and Resource Industry R&D Center and Italian designer Moreno Ratti. In the collaboration between designing and manufacturing, we jointly explored the potentialities of marble design.
During the workshop, I organized media plan and wrote every pieces of articles and press kit related to the workshop.
Press & Media:
"Table series for Lo Studio della Pietra"
Taipei Design Materials Center
Taiwan Designers' Week